YourMomCares helps the most vulnerable children by raising awareness and funding for organizations focused on children's mental wellness. #ymc collaborates with carefully vetted partners to expand the field of mental wellness, creating and funding innovative programs and solutions which have a direct impact on children and adolescents. In addition to these strategic partnerships, #ymc's "Mobile Moms Fund" allows us to quickly go where the need is greatest (as moms always do!) to fund work being done to address a variety of pediatric emergencies.
#ymc Co-Founders and longtime friends Sharon Feldstein (Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein's Mom) and Patsy Noah (Adam Levine's Mom) have brought together celebrity and influencer moms like Alicia Keys' mom, Michael B. Jordan's mom, Chris Paul's mom, Jimmy Kimmel's mom and more, along with moms across America, to change the dialogue from mental illness to mental wellness.
At YourMomCares, we do the work for you. If you believe that children deserve to be mentally well and that no child should suffer alone or be unable to receive mental health services because of their family's financial situation, their race, gender or sexuality, please support YourMomCares today.